Contact is taking a holiday!

Contact is taking a break after 25 years of bringing you news of Tibet and Tibetan issues. We are celebrating our 25 years by bringing you the story of Contact and the people who have made it happen, and our archive is still there for you to access at any time, and below you can read the story of Contact, how it came into being and the wonderful reflections of the people who have made it happen over the years.

When and how Contact will re-emerge and evolve will be determined by those who become involved.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Bodh Gaya

By Soumya Singh Tarang  /  January 2, 2019;

  His Holiness the Dalai Lama teaching on the first day of the teaching                                      Photo: Lobsang Tsering

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama arrived in Bodh Gaya, Bihar, on December 16, for a series of teachings, continuing with his theme of Ahimsa or non-violence as the primary goal of all sentient beings. His visit included a three-day debate, an Interfaith Forum meeting, the laying of a foundation for a new museum and presenting teachings at the very place where Buddha attained enlightenment.

On his arrival in Bodh Gaya, His Holiness was given a formal welcome at Gaden Phelgyeling, the main Tibetan monastery, followed by a visit the next morning to the Mahabodhi Temple where he was escorted by members of Bodh Gaya Temple Management committee. His Holiness expressed his appreciation for Buddha’s advice to his followers, “As the wise test gold by burning, cutting and rubbing it, so, bhikshus, should you accept my words—after testing them, and not merely out of respect for me.”On leaving the temple he addressed the media, summarising Buddha’s teachings of Ahimsa and compassion. reports on the three-day scholars’ debate which followed, based on Tsongkhapa’s Essence of True Eloquence in Bodhgayafrom December 19 to 21 at which 62 papers were presented. 442 scholars were among the 700 participants. His Holiness addressed the gathering saying, “If we can explain philosophical views on the basis of reason and science, people today will pay attention. And in the monasteries, we now have laboratories where we can test theories through experiment.”

On December 21 His Holiness participated in an Interfaith Forum in Gaden Pheldyeling. As reported by, the Forum, which was established in 2001,comprises Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Jains, Sikhs and Brahmakumaris and provides a platform to discuss with His Holiness the possibility of combining modern education with ancient Indian understanding of mind and emotions. His Holiness addressed the group saying, “…we belong to the seven billion human beings. With two eyes, one nose and so on, we are the same; some of us just have more hair. Mentally we are the same, emotionally we are the same. Each one of us wants to live a happy, joyful life.”

The next day His Holiness visited Watpa Buddhagaya, the Thai Temple complex behind the Mahabodhi Temple, to inaugurate an International Seminar on the Tipitaka / Tripitaka. The seminar attracted an audience of about 500 monks and laypeople. His Holiness was requested to lay the foundation stone for a new museum་there. “Speaking approvingly of the recently established Thai-Tibetan exchange, His Holiness declared how happy he was to have had the opportunity to contribute to this discussion”, reported

                  More than 15,000 people gathered for the Solitary Hero                                                     Vajrabhairava Empowerment Photo: Lobsang Tsering

From December 24 to 25, His Holiness taught Gyalsey Thokme Sangpo’s 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva (laklensodunma) and Dharmakirti’s་PramanavartikaCommentary on Valid Cognition (tsemanamdre). The later topic was a continuation of his earlier teaching given in December 2015 at the request of Tashi་Lhunpo Monastery. On the following day His Holiness gave the Solitary  Hero Vajrabhairava Empowerment to a crowd of more than 15,000 people from around the world.

His Holiness’s teachings in Bodh Gaya are continuing throughout his a month-long visit there.

Reports are coming through that tightened controls by Chinese authorities are restricting pilgrims from Tibet from travelling to attend the teachings. As happened last year when His Holiness was giving the Kalachakra teachings in Bodh Gaya, passport controls and confiscations are preventing people from leaving Tibet and Radio Free Asia has reported that no more than one hundred pilgrims have been able to attend from Tibet.

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